The Advanced Crop Factors provides weather data/factors specific to Ag Industry. With this filter, you can retrieve satellite imagery derived weather factors, like Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and Land Surface Temperature(LSTD & LSTN), and station collected weather data, like air temperature(TMAX & TMIN), and accumulated precipitation(PRCP).
After selecting the Advanced Crop Factors, you can opt to search by boundaries or search by a zipcode.
When searching by boundaries, you will then need to select an index group like state, county and district. When selecting a more granular boundary (county and district), a state(s) must be selected first followed by the next filter(s).
In the above image, county was selected, followed by the state (Illinois and Iowa) and then the counties will be available in a drop down menu. Pick relevant counties for the search or opt to Select all. Reset the filter clear out the selections. The last selection is the end date of the observation window.
For zip code, after entering in a valid zip code, you will see the a Distance dropdown to select the miles within that zipcode you wish to see the crop factors dta for.
The last selection is the end date of the observation window.