The Orders panel allows you to view all working, filled, rejected and cancelled orders by account. Add the Orders panel by clicking on Trade in main toolbar or use the '+' button to add the panel to your workspace.
Any accounts that are logged in and that have had open orders will display in the panel. You can expand or minimize an account by clicking on the ‘chevron’ icon located to the left of the brokerage account.
Filter the visible accounts by clicking on the Accounts dropdown.
Filter the visible orders by their ‘state' using the Order State dropdown menu.
View up to seven days worth of trading activity using the Order History date picker. Select a date and view the order history on that date.
View all order details like date and time of entry / cancellation by right clicking on the order and selecting Order Details.
Modify or cancel an existing or open order by right clicking on the order.
Filter any of the fields displayed in the Orders panel by using the columns dropdown menu.
Export the Orders to Excel by clicking on the Export option in the upper right corner of the panel.
Use the Settings (cog wheel) to customize the font, gridlines or rows.