

Trade physical grain through the Connect matching engine. Optimize your grain procurement and accept offers from growers, update your bids, and push matched transactions into your workflows. Built into cmdtyView and Grain Marketplace - our ecosystem is ready for you today.



Features include:

  • Offer Management

    • Accept, Acknowledge, Reject, and Cancel Offers

  • Realtime Offer Matching

  • Accounting Provider Integration

    • Allow your farmers to view their scale tickets, contracts, and balances from a growing number of accounting providers.

    • Automatically create contracts when offers match.

  • Farmer Management

    • Approve and Reject specific farmers from making offers to your platform.

  • Email and SMS-based alerts for all actions.


Insert any of the various Connect panels into you workspaces by either clicking on Connect in the main toolbar or clicking on the '+' located next to a panel tab.


Dropdown Main.jpg


Configure Connect

Prior to offer creation and management (and subsequent futures hedges), you will need to configure your local Connect settings for offer type support and bushel minimums and maximums by commodity. Click on the Settings (cog wheel) in the upper right corner of the platform and then select the ‘Connect’ option.



Below is a table that describes each of the Connect inputs that can be customized in cmdtyView.

Offer Type


Offer Type



Indicates the offer will match based on the difference of the price and basis for the commodity.


Indicates the offer will match based on the futures price.


Indicates the offer will match based on the basis price for the commodity.


Identical to Cash offers except the delivery date will dynamically roll over to the closest date as long as the offer has not expired (note: these offers are only supported for Connect only & non-Hedging (HMS) users)

Bushel Settings


Bushel Settings



The minimum amount of bushels that can be set.


The maximum amount of bushels that can be set.

Allow Odd Values

The amount at which to increase and decrease the bushels.





Alert Farmers

Email and SMS-based alerts for all actions.


Configure Hedging (HMS) Account

Once your Connect settings have been established in the Settings, users that are configured for Hedging (HMS) will then need to sign into their HMS account in the 'Configure Trading & Hedging section of the settings.



Ensure that the ‘Account Type’ selected is ‘Hedging Live’ and insert the credentials provided by Barchart and/or the FCM. Once entered, click ‘Connect' and you will be prompted to fill out Terms of Service for both Barchart and CQG. For more information on cmdtyView’s Hedge (HMS), please see Hedge.

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