

Create and view farmers and their contact info in addition to their ability to cash offer grain using the Farmers panel in cmdtyView.


Inserting the Offer Manager Panel

Insert the Farmers panel by selecting Connect in the main toolbar or clicking on the '+' next to a panel tab.


Searching Farmers

Once the panel is inserted into the workspace (and your Connect account is configured), search for all existing farmers by keying a name into the search.


Edit Farmers

Right click on any of the contact results to edit the farmer profile.

Once selected, add additional accounts to the farmer and edit their contact info in the dialogue.


Create Farmer

Add a new farmer account to you customer database by clicking on the ‘Create Customer’ button.

Once the farmer is authenticated, a global ID will be created and the merchandiser can then approve and Reject specific farmers from making offers to your platform.



Customize the fields displayed in the Farmers panel by using the Columns drop down menu.


Column Name


Column Name


First Name

The given first name of the account.

Last Name

The given last name of the account.

Mobile Number

The mobile number connected to the account.


The email address connected to the user.


Ther current status of the farmer in relation to their ability to make cash grain offers.


A customer must have a status of Accepted to make cash grain offers. If they have any other status, the user will not be able to make an offer. Below are the applicable statuses and a brief description of each.






Missing Info

Direct the user to their account page to fill in the missing information: https://{displayId}.cmdtymarketplace.com/account.


Approval is currently under review.


User was not given access to make offers.

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