Streaming Quotes

Streaming Quotes

Add a Quote

Click the Quotes icon on the ribbon as shown below to set up a table of streaming quotes.


Upon clicking the Quotes icon, you’ll see an Insert Quotes dialog which can be used to search symbols by name, exchange and symbol type. You may also type the symbol directly in the Search For box if you know the ticker.


For example, typing ‘Soybeans’ into the Search box with no additional filters will result in the following.


Let’s say that you’re interested in Soybeans from the CBOT only and not all Soybeans in general. You can narrow your search by applying filters for Exchange and Symbol Type. Filtering by Exchange for example would give you search results comparable to the following.


Once you’ve narrowed down your search results, you then need to select your desired instruments by either double clicking on them in the search results area or by dragging and dropping them from the left pane to the right. Once you’ve done that, you should have a window which looks like this.


Select your fields

Select the fields that you want to display in your spreadsheet. Reposition fields by dragging and dropping them to their desired position on the Insert Quotes dialog.

Edit a Quote

Edit existing Quotes by highlighting the # symbol in the spreadsheet and then clicking the Quotes icon on the ribbon. Make desired changes including the addition, removal or reordering of symbols and fields and then select the Insert button to insert the newly formatted data into the spreadsheet.


Quote Fields

A Quote link can contain any of the following fields:





% Change

The percent change from the Open Price.


The last Ask Price from the exchange floor, indicating a willingness to sell at that price.

Ask x Size

Contains both the last Ask Price and the number of contracts offered at that price.

Ask Size

The total number of contracts offered at the current Ask Price.


The last Bid Price from the exchange floor, indicating a willingness to purchase at that price.

Bid x Size

Contains both the last Bid Price and the number of contracts offered at that price.

Bid Size

The total number of contracts offered at the current Bid Price.


The difference between the Last Price and the Close Price from the previous day or session.

Expiration Date

For futures symbols, the expiration month and year.


The highest price paid during the current trading session.


The last price paid during the current trading session.


The lowest price paid during the current trading session.


For futures, the month represented by the futures contract.


The full name of the symbol.


The first price paid during the current trading session.

Open Interest

The total number of futures contracts traded that have not yet been liquidated either by an offsetting futures transaction or by delivery.


The previous trading session's Closing Price.

Previous Open

The previous trading session's Open Price.

Previous High

The previous trading session's High Price.

Previous Low

The previous trading session's Low Price.

Previous Settle

The previous trading session's Settlement Price.

Previous Volume

The previous trading session's Volume.


The current session's Settlement Price.


The ticker symbol.


Time of the last trade.

Time Zone

The time zone used for the time stamp.


The total number of contracts traded during the current trading session.

Tick Dir

The last traded price in relation to the previous traded price. Up pointing triangle ( ▲ ) for a up tick, down pointing triangle ( ▼ ) for a down tick and ( - ) for unchanged from previous tick.


The exchange on which the commodity or security is traded.

Extended Hours Last

The last traded price, using data from extended hours (equities only).

Extended Hours Change

The difference from the last traded price and the previous day’s settlement, using data from extended hours (equities only).

Extended Hours Percent Change

The difference from the last traded price and the previous day’s settlement expressed as a percentage, using data from extended hours (equities only).

Contract Date

The commodity’s expiration month and year.



After inserting any symbol, the Favorites tab will save these instruments for easy insertion later.


Upon opening Favorites, you will see a list of the last 20 symbols whose quote data was viewed. Double click, click and drag or highlight a grouping of symbols and click enter to add these symbols to the insert dialogue.


The Favorites dialogue can be enlarged by clicking on the pin icon in the upper right corner and then hidden by clicking the pin icon once again


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