Soybean Crush

The crush spread is a dollar value quoted as the difference between the combined sales values of soybean meal and soybean oil and the cost of the raw soybeans. This value is traded in the cash and futures markets based on expectations of future price movement of soybeans versus the products. This panel can be added to a workspace by clicking on More in the main toolbar and then selecting Soybean Crush in the Calcs section.

By default, the soybean crush calculation is set to:

[(Price of Soybean Meal ($/short ton) x .022) + Price of Soybean Oil (¢/lb) x 11] – Price of Soybeans ($/bu.)

The crush calculation can be customized by clicking on the Configure Calculation button in the upper right corner of the panel.

The %Oil calculation is as follows:

Price of Soybean Oil (¢/lb) x 11 / (Price of Soybean Oil (¢/lb) x 11) + (Price of Soybean Meal ($/short ton) x .022)

Remove any columns or auto fit the page layout by clicking on the Columns dropdown menu.


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