cmdty Price Network

cmdty Price Network

The cmdty Price Network (CPN) layer will display Ag, Energy, Food, and Freight market data provided by our CPN contributors. Viewing the panel left to right, you will see a selection of menus that will will allow you to filter and drill down into the data. The first filter option is for the specific layer dataset, where cmdty Price Network is the first selection.

Once this layer has been selected, the next filter will be for the contributors Barchart has partnered with.

For more information and a complete list of vendors Barchart has partnered with on the cmdty Pricing Network, please see the link here.

Once the cmdty Pricing Network vendor has been selected, a table of their instruments will appear with the latest available data. Customize the data fields by clicking on the Columns drop-down menu and and removing or adding any fields.

Right click on any instrument to view a context menu where you can quickly launch a Quote, Chart or Time Series panel using that instrument’s data.


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