Cash Grain Bids

Cash Grain Bids

The Cash Grain Bids filter provides up to the minute data for cash grain bids from the closest locations in relation to the requested zip code. With over 4,000+ grain buying facilities in the Barchart network, this panel takes looking up the relevant grain bids for your risk management to your fingertips.

Once a valid zip code is entered, you can further filter on grain bid data by location, commodity, distance and delivery period. Depending on the zipcode entered, you will see a variety of grain buy facilities.

Search for keywords in the facility name or manually select any and all locations necessary. Once location is selected, click on the commodity drop down to drill down the results further.

For Distance, 25 miles within the zip code location is set by default but opt to expand the maximum distance to 250 miles or minimum of 5 miles.

Lastly select the delivery period.

To customize the fields displayed in the results, click on the columns drop down to add or remove any fields.

Export the grain bid results to Excel by clicking on the spreadsheet icon in the upper corner of the panel.

Right click on any of the bids and a context menu will populate where you can chart the bid or the basis for that instrument in addition to pulling up contact info the location.


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