Barchart Power BI Connector Start Guide

Barchart Power BI Connector Start Guide

This document provides a quick start guide to pulling data using Barchart Power BI Connectors


  • Power BI Desktop needs to be installed.


Enabling Barchart data connector in Power BI:

First of all, clone .mez files sent from Barchart onboarding team. Then, these files copy into Custom Connectors file in Power BI Desktop as shown below


After copying .mez files into the Custom Connectors file open Power BI Desktop. In Power BI Desktop click get Data, when the Get Data window is open go to Other and navigate to getHistoricalData  and getLiveData Connectors. It should appear in the list like in the screenshot below.

However, it can happen that you don’t see it. In that case follow the steps from the screenshot below.

After making these changes, don’t forget to restart Power BI Desktop.

You can see your custom connector after completing the steps.

Importing data in Power BI

If you click on GetHistoricalData Connector then Get Historical Data form appears. Inside the form enter the details  of the data.

After clicking ok, a table with historical data appears, further this table can be loaded into Power BI Desktop.

If you click on GetLiveData Connector then Get Live Data form appears. Inside the form enter the details of the data.

 After clicking ok, a table with live data appears, further this table can be loaded into Power BI Desktop.