Offer Management

Offer Management

About Offer Management

Offer Management from Barchart is our state of the art online offer submission and management tool for both Grain Buyers and Grain Sellers. Our Offer Management System (OMS) is connected into cmdty Marketplace for Grain Sellers/Farmers and through cmdtyView for Grain Buyers/Merchandisers. OMS is also available through an API allowing integrations of the offer submission/management process to be linked into 3rd party applications/systems.

  • Connecting Farmers & Merchandisers - Offer Management allows for 1-to-1 offer submission between Farmers and Merchandisers at your agribusiness. OMS is tightly integrated with your workflow in cmdtyView and your branded mobile app - allowing a completely seamless off management platform for Merchandisers and Farmers.

  • Offer Management Anywhere/Anytime - Offer Management is integrated with Barchart’s Marketplace Apps, a full mobile experience allowing Farmers to submit and maintain offers anywhere, anytime. Merchandiser’s have access to cmdtyView App allowing same capabilities of managing and maintaining offers anywhere, anytime.

  • Notifications - Both Farmers and Merchandisers can receive notifications of offer updates through email or push notification.


How it Works

Offer Management, when enabled, sits directly in your cmdtyView real-time platform and allows you to manage your full offer book in the same place you analyze and trade the markets.

  • View your full offer book in the world’s leading platform for grain merchandisers

  • Submit custom bids out to your producers and deliver them directly to their Marketplace app

  • Producers can work up offers to your merchandisers and chat directly in their mobile app to get deals done more easily

  • Notifications for offers, chat, and alerts are pushed directly into both the Merchandiser dashboard and the producer mobile app

  • Get custom alerts to stay continually in-the-loop on price updates you care about



What makes Barchart’s OMS unique?

Barchart’s Marketplace Apps are the only producer facing software that ties into your cmdtyView Pro grain trading system. You already use cmdtyView Pro to monitor the markets, analyze physical grain prices, and make decisions about crop marketing strategies - doesn’t it make sense that you should be able to talk to your producers through it?

  • Grain Marketing - cmdtyView Pro is the number one platform to manage grain marketing. Now it’s never been easier to access all of your workflows in one place.

  • Chat - Producers can only see your bids and are only able to chat with your company through instant messenger

  • Offer Matching - Manage your whole offer book in the same place you execute futures.

  • Push Notifications - Deliver push notifications directly to your producers. Forget text messages, be front-and-center with your own branded notification. One click and their working up and offer to you.



How do I get started?

Just reach out to us at commodities@barchart.com to get a solution going for you today.