FAQs - Merchandiser

FAQs - Merchandiser


General Questions

I am new to cmdtyView as a Grain Buyer. How do I activate Match?

Just reach out to us at marketplace@barchart.com and one of our team will walk you through connection. You can find a lot more information in our Quickstart Guide - Match

Can I Import Existing Farmer Accounts?

Yes, contact connect@barchart.com for support and we will walk you through best practice to gather an existing list for import.

Can I Import Existing Offers?

No, but the process to add new offer to Match is quick. Contact cmdty Support at connect@barchart.com for any assistance.

Is Match available across Desktop and Mobile?

You betcha! You can access cmdtyView on your desktop or mobile device whether you use an iPhone or Android and Match is a component found within cmdtyView. Wow, that’s powerful stuff

Is it possible to get data on my offer information into Excel?

Not a problem. Simply go to your “Offers” dashboard and find the “Export” button next to the “Create Offer” button. Note that this is only available on desktop.

Producer Information

How do I setup my profile and ensure my producers can communicate with me via Chat?

This is simple. Within cmdtyView just click the Profile Icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. pssst….. it’s the one that looks a person. Once you’re there, then simply click “Edit Profile”

What do the statuses that relate to each of my farmers mean?

Status of your farmers relates only to their ability to make offers to your business. When a producer registers for your Marketplace app they will be assigned a status of Pending. They will be able to use the app completely, but will not be able to submit offers to you until they have explicitly been approved by an authorized member of your grain buying team. Approvals can be done in cmdtyView or or through the email notification system that alerts you whenever a producer signs up for the service.

  • Active farmers may make offers.

  • Pending farmers have requested approval and need your authorization.

  • Rejected farmers were dismissed by the elevator.

What ways can farmers get into the Match system?

There are two ways that farmers can be onboarded into your Match system. The first, and most preferred way is to get them using your branded Marketplace App. This will ensure that we have all of their relevant personal information and can more easily link them with your ERP system. Additionally, you can manually add farmers if desired.

How do I manually add a farmer?

You can easily do this by going to your Farmer panel and clicking “Create Farmer” in the upper right-hand corner of the panel.


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