FAQs - Producer/Farmer

FAQs - Producer/Farmer

General Questions

Does Match cost anything to the Producer/Farmer?

No, this service is brought to you buy the unique Grain Buyers offering this to their clients. There are no download or transaction fees collected by Barchart.

I am a Producer Looking to submit an offer to a Grain Buyer, How do I get started?

Visit your Grain Buyers website or search iTunes or Google Play for the Grain Buyers dedicated Marketplace App

Is there an approval process to use Match?

Yes, Merchandisers must approve your account before you are able to submit an offer or view existing offers.

Will I be alerted when I am either approved or denied by an elevator?

Yes, you will receive an email when an elevator approves or denies your account. This only relates to your ability to make offers. Even if you aren’t approved you can still use all of the non-offer features within the app. You can always reach out to your elevator contact and coordinate with the Marketplace team (marketplace@barchart.com) to work on getting approved if you’re having any issues.

I haven’t been approved by the elevator yet. Can I still chat with merchandisers linked to that elevator?

Yes, registered users can chat with elevators prior to gaining approval to make offers

Can I access my Contracts and Tickets through Match?

Match is the Offer Entry & Management solution and there is no dedicated user interface for the producer. You can however access your offers within your elevator’s Marketplace App and view all of your grain accounting information in there.


How do I receive notifications?

After downloading our apps make sure to select “Allow Notifications”. Alternatively, you can can do the following: go into phone settings → select “Notifications” → choose the elevator app and set to allow notifications

Do I need Notifications enabled to Chat?

No, but in order to see the communication alert coming back without the chat window open we suggest enabling Notifications.