Streaming Quotes
Add a Quote
Click on the Quote icon in the Barchart for Excel ribbon and the Insert Quotes dialogue will display as shown below.
Here you can search for symbols by type and source in the left panel or via the exchange and instrument type drop downs to the right.
If you already know the ticker or symbol name, you can type into the search box and a list of suggested symbols will automatically display.
You can remove any previously typed search text by clicking on the ‘x' or the '<-' icons in the search box or by simply highlighting and deleting.
Once the desired symbol(s) are displayed you can double click or click and drag the symbol to the insert pane to the right of the search pane.
By holding down the Shift key and using the arrow keys or mouse, you can select multiple symbols at one time. You can also hold Ctrl + A to select all symbols displayed in the search.
To view multiple futures expirations at one time, enter in the contract’s root symbol followed by *.
To quickly add multiple futures contracts at once time, enter in the root followed by the pound sign '#' or #n for the number of contracts you want to add.
For multi-symbol entry, place a comma (without space) between each symbol. Once all symbols are entered, click on the symbol grouping (enclosed with brackets) or hit enter when the grouping is highlighted.
Once you have selected all of the desired instruments and moved them to the pane on the right, you should have a window that looks like below.
Select your Fields
Next, you will want to select the fields (data columns) you wish to display in your spreadsheet.
By clicking on the down arrow next to each field category, all of the fields specific to that category will display.
Check the box next to the field to add the field to your view. If you wish to add all fields in the category, check the box next to the category name. Uncheck any or all boxes to remove from the view.
If you wish to display all fields in all categories, click on the All ▼ button located in the upper right corner of the Fields drop down. Click the All ▲ to minimize all categories.
When you use the search field, use text to describe what data you want to add. For example, to find Moving Averages fields, start typing "mov" and possible matches will display.
To add a field from the results list, drag or check the field. The field is added to the bottom of the selected fields, where you can drag and drop it to a new position, if desired.
If you would like to add all the fields within a category, check the box next to the category’s name. A black checkmark will display and all fields in that grouping will be added to the Selected Columns section of the dialogue.
To remove all fields added to the Selected Columns, simply click the clear button located directly below custom views.
Any Custom Views created on and save in your My Barchart account can be applied to a Quote query by clicking on the 'Custom Views' button.
Once a view is selected the view’s name will display in Quote dialogue and editing an existing Quote query.
You can reposition the fields by dragging and dropping them to their desired position on the Insert Quotes dialog. Once the necessary fields are selected, click insert and all symbols and their corresponding fields will display like below.
Quote Fields
General Symbol Info |
Symbol | Name | Short Name | Futures Contract Name | Contract Date | UnderlyingFuture | Exchange |
ExchangeName | Industry | Sector | Barchart SIC Symbol | SIC Description | Expiration Date | DTE |
OpenInterest | Timestamp | Has Options | First Notice Date | DTFN |
Prices & Volume |
Open | High | Low | Last | LastSize | TickDirection | Change |
Close | PercentChange | Bid | BidSize | Size x Bid | Ask | AskSize |
Size x Ask | Settle | PrevSettle | Previous | Previous High Price | Previous Low Price | Previous Open Price |
2-Days Ago Last Price | 2-Days Ago High Price | 2-Days Ago Low Price | 2-Days Ago Open Price | Volume | Volume % Change | VolumeTimestamp |
Last (Ext) | Change (Ext) | % Chg (Ext) | Last (Available) | Last Size (Available) | Last Time (Available) |
Yesterday’s Volume | Price Volume | Gap Up | Gap Up Percent | Gap Down | Gap Down Percent | Range % |
Pivot Point | 1st Resistance Point | 2nd Resistance Point | 1st Support | 2nd Support | Fibonacci 38.2% | Fibonacci 50% |
Fibonacci 61.8% | Last (Ext) | Change (Ext) | % Chg (Ext) | Last (Available) | Last Size (Available) | Last Time (Available) |
End of Day Prices |
Daily Last | Daily Open | Daily High | Daily Low | Daily Change | Daily % Change | Daily Volume |
Daily Trade Date | Daily Opinion | Daily 20-Day Relative Strength | Daily 20-Day Historic Volatility | Daily 20-Day Avg Volume | Daily 52-Week Low | Daily 52-Week High |
Daily Weighted Alpha | Daily YTD % Change | Daily 1-Month % Change | Daily 3-Month % Change | Daily 52-Week % Change | Daily Std Dev | Daily Date |
Daily Previous Opinion | Daily Last Week's Opinion | Daily Last Month's Opinion |
Weekly Prices |
Weekly Last | Weekly Open | Weekly High | Weekly Low | Weekly Change | Weekly % Change | Weekly Volume |
Weekly Std Dev | Weekly Date |
Monthly Prices |
Monthly Last | Monthly Open | Monthly High | Monthly Low | Monthly Change | Monthly % Change | Monthly Volume |
Monthly Std Dev | Monthly Date |
Price and Percent Change |
5-Day Change | 20-Day Change | 1-Month Change | 50-Day Change | 3-Month Change | 100-Day Change | 6-Month Change |
9-Month Change | 200-Day Change | 52-Week Change | YTD Change | 2-Year Change | 3-Year Change | 5-Year Change |
10-Year Change | 20-Year Change | 5-Day % Change | 20-Day % Change | 1-Month % Change | 50-Day % Change | 3-Month % Change |
100-Day % Change | 6-Month % Change | 9-Month % Change | 200-Day % Change | 52-Week % Change | YTD % Change | 2-Year % Change |
3-Year % Change | 5-Year % Change | 10-Year % Change | 20-Year % Change |
Technical Analysis |
1-Month Moving Average | 3-Month Moving Average | 6-Month Moving Average | 9-Month Moving Average | 52-Week Moving Average | YTD Moving Average | 5-Day Moving Average |
5-Day Moving Average | 5-Day Moving Average | 100-Day Moving Average | 200-Day Moving Average | 1-Month Average Volume | 3-Month Average Volume | 6-Month Average Volume |
9-Month Average Volume | 52-Week Moving Average | YTD Average Volume | 5-Day Average Volume | 20-Day Average Volume | 50-Day Average Volume | 100Day Average Volume |
200-Day Average Volume | 9-Day Raw Stochastic | 14-Day Raw Stochastic | 20-Day Raw Stochastic | 50-Day Raw Stochastic | 100-Day Raw Stochastic | 9-Day Stochastic %K |
14-Day Stochastic %K | 20-Day Stochastic %K | 50-Day Stochastic %K | 100-Day Stochastic %K | 9-Day Stochastic %D | 14-Day Stochastic %D | 20-Day Stochastic %D |
50-Day Stochastic %D | 100-Day Stochastic %D | 9-Day Average True Range | 14-Day Average True Range | 20-Day Average True Range | 50-Day Average True Range | 100-Day Average True Range |
9-Day Average Directional Index | 14-Day Average Directional Index | 20-Day Average Directional Index | 50-Day Average Directional Index | 100-Day Average Directional Index | 9-Day +Directional Index | 14-Day +Directional Index |
20-Day +Directional Index | 50-Day +Directional Index | 100-Day +Directional Index | 9-Day -Directional Index | 14-Day -Directional Index | 20-Day -Directional Index | 50-Day -Directional Index |
100-Day -Directional Index | 9-Day Relative Strength | 14-Day Relative Strength | 20-Day Relative Strength | 50-Day Relative Strength | 100-Day Relative Strength | 9-Day Percent R |
14-Day Percent R | 20-Day Percent R | 50-Day Percent R | 100-Day Percent R | 9-Day Historic Volatility | 14-Day Historic Volatility | 20-Day Historic Volatility |
50-Day Historic Volatility | 100-Day Historic Volatility | 9-Day MACD Oscillator | 14-Day MACD Oscillator | 20-Day MACD Oscillator | 50-Day MACD Oscillator | 100-Day MACD Oscillator |
Weighted Alpha | Std Dev | Average Volume |
Historical Highs and Lows |
5-Day High | 5-Day High Date | 5-Day Low | 5-Day Low Date | 5-Day Change | 5-Day % Change | 5-Day # Highs |
5-Day % High | 5-Day # Lows | 5-Day % Low | 1-Month High | 1-Month High Date | 1-Month Low | 1-Month Low Date |
1-Month Change | 1-Month % Change | 1-Month # Highs | 1-Month % High | 1-Month # Lows | 1-Month % Low | 3-Month High |
3-Month High Date | 3-Month High Date | 3-Month Low | 3-Month Low Date | 3-Month Change | 3-Month % Change | 3-Month # Highs |
3-Month % High | 3-Month # Lows | 3-Month % Low | 6-Month High | 6-Month High Date | 6-Month Low | 6-Month Low Date |
6-Month Change | 6-Month % Change | 6-Month # Highs | 6-Month % High | 6-Month # Lows | 6-Month % Low | YTD High |
YTD High Date | YTD Low | YTD Low Date | YTD Change | YTD % Change | YTD # Highs | YTD % High |
YTD # Lows | YTD % Low | 52-Week High | 52-Week High Date | 52-Week Low | 52-Week Low Date | 52-Week Change |
52-Week Percent | 52-Week # Highs | 52-Week % High | 52-Week # Lows | 52-Week % Low | 2-Year High | 2-Year High Date |
2-Year Low | 2-Year Low Date | 2-Year Change | 2-Year % Change | 2-Year # Highs | 2-Year % High | 2-Year # Lows |
2-Year % Low | 3-Year High | 3-Year High Date | 3-Year Low | 3-Year Low Date | 3-Year Change | 3-Year % Change |
3-Year # Highs | 3-Year % High | 3-Year # Lows | 3-Year % Low | 5-Year High | 5-Year High Date | 5-Year Low |
5-Year Low Date | 5-Year Change | 5-Year % Change | 5-Year # Highs | 5-Year % High | 5-Year # Lows | 5-Year % Low |
10-Year High | 10-Year High Date | 10-Year Low | 10-Year Low Date | 10-Year Change | 10-Year % Change | 10-Year # Highs |
10-Year % High | 10-Year # Lows | 10-Year % Low | 20-Year High | 20-Year High Date | 20-Year Low | 20-Year Low Date |
20-Year Change | 20-Year % Change | 20-Year # Highs | 20-Year % High | 20-Year # Lows | 20-Year % Low |
Portfolio Specific |
Qty | Action | Entry Date | Entry Price | Exit Date | Exit Price | Fees |
Market Val | Profit | Total Profit | Total Chg | Total %Chg |
Overall Opinion |
Opinion | Opinion Signal | Opinion Percent | Opinion Strength | Opinion Direction | Previous Opinion | Previous Opinion Signal |
Previous Opinion Percent | Last Week's Opinion | Last Week's Opinion Signal | Last Week's Opinion Percent | Last Month's Opinion | Last Month's Opinion Signal | Last Month's Opinion Percent |
Short Term Opinion | Short Term Opinion Signal | Short Term Opinion Percent | Medium Term Opinion | Medium Term Opinion Signal | Medium Term Opinion Percent | Long Term Opinion |
Long Term Opinion Signal | Long Term Opinion Percent |
Opinion Indicators |
TrendSpotter Opinion | TrendSpotter Strength | TrendSpotter Direction | 20 Day Moving Average | 20 Day Mov Avg Strength | 20 Day Mov Avg Direction | 20-50 Day MACD Oscillator |
20-50 Day MACD Osc Strength | 20-50 Day MACD Osc Direction | 20-100 Day MACD Oscillator | 20-100 Day MACD Osc Strength | 20-100 Day MACD Osc Direction | 20-200 Day MACD Oscillator | 20-200 Day MACD Osc Strength |
20-200 Day MACD Osc Direction | 50 Day Moving Average | 50 Day Moving Avg Strength | 50 Day Moving Avg Direction | 50-100 Day MACD Oscillator | 50-100 Day MACD Osc Strength | 50-100 Day MACD Osc Direction |
50-150 Day MACD Oscillator | 50-150 Day MACD Osc Strength | 50-150 Day MACD Osc Direction | 50-200 Day MACD Oscillator | 50-200 Day MACD Osc Strength | 50-200 Day MACD Osc Direction | 100 Day Moving Average |
100 Day Moving Avg Strength | 100 Day Moving Avg Direction | 150 Day Moving Average | 150 Day Moving Avg Strength | 150 Day Moving Avg Direction | 200 Day Moving Average | 200 Day Moving Avg Strength |
200 Day Moving Avg Direction | 100-200 Day MACD Oscillator | 100-200 Day MACD Osc Strength | 100-200 Day MACD Osc Direction | 7 Day Average Directional Indicator | 7 Day Average Directional Strength | 7 Day Average Directional Direction |
9-18 Day MACD Oscillator | 9-18 Day MACD Osc Strength | 9-18 Day MACD Osc Direction | 10-8 Day Moving Avg Hilo Channel | 10-8 Day Mov Avg Hilo Strength | 10-8 Day Mov Avg Hilo Direction | 20 Day Bollinger Bands® |
20 Day Bollinger Bands® Strength | 20 Day Bollinger Bands® Direction | 40 Day Commodity Channel Index | 40 Day CCI Strength | 40 Day CCI Direction | 50 Day Parabolic Time/Price | 50 Day Parabolic Strength |
50 Day Parabolic Direction | 60 Day Commodity Channel Index | 60 Day CCI Strength | 60 Day CCI Direction |
Options (Equities) |
Options Vol | % Put | % Call | Put/Call | Imp Vol | IV Rank | IV Percentile |
Call Volume | Call Volume | Put Volume | Call OI | Put OI | Put/Call Volume Ratio | Put/Call Open Interest Ratio |
5-Day Imp Vol | 5-Day IV Rank | 5-Day IV Percentile | 5-Day IV High | 5-Day IV Low | 5-Day Avg Call Volume | 5-Day Avg Put Volume |
5-Day Avg Call OI | 5-Day Avg Put OI | 5-Day Put/Call Volume Ratio | 5-Day Put/Call Open Interest Ratio | 5-Day IV Change | 1-Month Imp Vol | 1-Month IV Rank |
1-Month IV Percentile | 1-Month IV High | 1-Month IV Low | 1-Month Avg Call Volume | 1-Month Avg Put Volume | 1-Month Avg Call OI | 1-Month Avg Put OI |
1-Month Put/Call Volume Ratio | 1-Month Put/Call Open Interest Ratio | 1-Month IV Change | 3-Month Imp Vol | 3-Month IV Rank | 3-Month IV Percentile | 3-Month IV High |
3-Month IV Low | 3-Month Avg Call Volume | 3-Month Avg Put Volume | 3-Month Avg Call OI | 3-Month Avg Put OI | 3-Month Put/Call Volume Ratio | 3-Month Put/Call Open Interest Ratio |
3-Month IV Change | 6-Month Imp Vol | 6-Month IV Rank | 6-Month IV Percentile | 6-Month IV High | 6-Month IV Low | 6-Month Avg Call Volume |
6-Month Avg Put Volume | 6-Month Avg Call OI | 6-Month Avg Put OI | 6-Month Put/Call Volume Ratio | 6-Month Put/Call Open Interest Ratio | 6-Month IV Change | YTD Imp Vol |
YTD IV Rank | YTD IV Percentile | YTD IV High | YTD IV Low | YTD Avg Call Volume | YTD Avg Put Volume | YTD Avg Call OI |
YTD Avg Put OI | YTD Put/Call Volume Ratio | YTD Put/Call Open Interest Ratio | YTD IV Change | 1-Year Imp Vol | IV 1-Year High | IV 1-Year Low |
1-Year Avg Call Volume | 1-Year Avg Put Volume | 1-Year Avg Call OI | 1-Year Avg Put OI | 1-Year Put/Call Volume Ratio | 1-Year Put/Call Open Interest Ratio | 1-Year IV Change |
Edit a Quote
Edit existing Quotes by highlighting the Quotes anchor cell in the spreadsheet and then clicking the Quotes icon in the ribbon. Make desired changes including the addition, removal or reordering of symbols and fields and then select the Insert button to insert the newly formatted data into the spreadsheet.
After inserting any symbol, the Favorites tab will save these instruments for easy insertion later.
Upon opening Favorites, you will see a list of the last 20 symbols whose quote data was viewed. Double click, click and drag or highlight a grouping of symbols and click enter to add these symbols to the insert dialogue.
The Favorites dialogue can be enlarged by clicking on the pin icon in the upper right corner and then hidden by clicking the pin icon once again.
Data Removal
Quotes inserted into a worksheet can be quickly removed by highlighting the Quotes anchor cell, Clicking on the Quote icon and selecting the Clear button.