Company Profile

Company Profile

The company profile provides general information about the stock, such as Ticker Symbol, Exchange traded on, Company Contact Address/Phone, CEO/President, and Company Description. You will first want to enter in a ticker or use the multi symbol entry shortcut.


Next, you will want to add or remove any fields by clicking on the Edit Fields button.


Once completed select Insert and all data fields will display for the selected symbols.


Company Profile





Company Profile






Symbol Name

Symbol Description


Phone Number

Fax Number

Market Cap

Shares Outstanding

Annual Sales

Annual Net Income

Last Qtr Sales

Last Qtr Net Income

60-Month Beta

% of Insider Shareholders

% of Institutional Shareholders


% Float

1 Year Percent Return

3 Year Percent Return

5 Year Percent Return

5-Year Revenue Growth

5-Year Earnings Growth

5-Year Dividend Growth

Most Recent Earnings

Latest Earnings Date

Earnings Per Share ttm

EPS Growth vs. Prev Qtr

EPS Growth vs. Prev Year

Forward Dividend Rate

Forward Dividend Yield


Dividend Date

Dividend Ex Date

Payment Date

Dividend Payout


Split Date

PE Ratio Trailing

PE Ratio Forward

Price to Earnings Growth Ratio

Return on Equity

Return on Assets

Profit Margin

Net Margin

Debt to Equity

Price to Sales

Price to Book

Book Value




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